Civil Hospital Barnala
It is District Hospital and providing health services to people of district Barnala and patients from other adjoining region of Punjab also visit Civil Hopital Barnala to get treatment.
World Enviroment Day

Civil Hospital Barnala
It is District Hospital and providing health services to people of district Barnala and patients from other adjoining region of Punjab also visit Civil Hospital Barnala to get treatment.
24 Hours
Emergency Unit
In emergency unit of Civil Hospital Barnala 24 hours health services are provided to the patients. Emergency staff remains present throughout Morning, evening and night shift to treat patients. Specialist doctors visit quickly as called by emergency duty doctor whenever required. Patient suffering from road side accidents and other health ailments requiring emergency health care are treated in emergency absolutely free of cost. All life saving drugs and equipment are available in emergency unit.

Various Units

Blood Bank
Well established blood bank is available in Civil Hospital Barnala, which remain open 24 hours for patients requiring blood.

Microbiology Lab
There is a Microbiology Lab established in Civil Hospital Barnala where various microbiology tests are performed for patients free of cost.

During latest development of COVID pandemic in recent previous times a well established RTPCR Lab is established in Civil Hospital Barnala.
Specialist Doctors

Medical Specialist

Surgical Specialist

Ortho Specialist

Skin Specialist

Eye Specialist

Gynecology Specialist

Paediatric doctor